How to qualify for a donated / free, low-cost electric wheelchair, scooter or lift chair

how to get a free or low cost mobility scooter, electric wheelchair, recliner lift chair

How to Get a Free or Low-Cost Electric Wheelchair, Scooter or Lift Chair

If you need a mobility device but can't afford one, there are many options available to you. Here are some steps you can take to qualify for a free or low-cost wheelchair, scooter, or lift chair:

  1. Talk to your doctor. You may need a prescription from your doctor in order to qualify for assistance.

  2. Contact your local government agencies. Many city, state, and federal government agencies offer programs that can help you get a mobility device.

  3. Contact non-profit organizations. There are many non-profit organizations that provide free or low-cost mobility devices to people in need.

  4. Reach out to your community. Churches, synagogues, and mosques may also be able to help you get a mobility device.

Here are some specific sources that can help you get a free or low-cost wheelchair, scooter, or lift chair:

  • Medicare Part B can cover the cost of an electric wheelchair (with a doctor's prescription)

  • Medicaid can also help with the cost of a scooter or power wheelchair (with a doctor's prescription)

  • The Wheelchair Foundation is a charitable foundation that provides free wheelchairs to people in need

  • The Lifenets Wheelchair Project collects and distributes donated wheelchairs

  • Soldiers Angels is a nonprofit organization that helps veterans and their families get free or low-cost mobility devices

Also, use the web - Try to get help by using search engines, social networking, goFundMe & others like it.

If you are struggling to afford a mobility device, don't give up. There are many resources available to help you get the mobility you need.

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